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Recent Outputs

Peer-Reviewed and Invited Publications

Beyond Verbal: Conceptualizing Energy Expenditure in Physical Interaction. Frontiers in Robotics and A.I. (forthcoming)

"More or Less: A Queer Inquiry on Partnering". Queering Partner Dance, Routledge (forthcoming).

Tender Robotics". Robot Theatre, Routledge (forthcoming).  

Responsible Knowing in Partnering. Performance Philosophy (2024).

Conceptualizing Care in PartneringPerformance Research (2023). 

Project Site: A Guide to Responsive Placemaking. Northeastern University (2022).

Choreographing the Personal: A Profile of Jessica Roseman. Boston Art Review (2021). 

Can a Robot Do a Trust Fall?: Absurdity as a Component of Human Intelligence and Embodiment. Creative Computing (2020)

Embodied Ethics: The Conditions and Norms of Communication in Partnering.
Thinking Touch Edited Volume (2020).

Partnering as Rhetoric. A World of Muscle, Bone & Organs: Research and Scholarship in Dance (2018).

Priming Haptic Values with Wearable Tech. Partnering Lab (2020).

Beyond Imitation: Generative and Variational Choreography via Machine Learning. arXiv:1907.05297 (2019).

Choreographic and Somatic Approaches for the Development of Expressive Robotic Systems. Arts (Vol. 7, No. 2, p. 11) (2018)

Quantifying CoordinationMotion and Computing (2018). 

Action–effect congruence during observational learning leads to faster action sequence learning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68(11), pp.2200-2215 (2015). 
Recent Presentations

Choreographic Design, Keynote @ Design Research Society (2024)
Feeling Beyond Touch, Panel Discussion, New Museum (2022).

Science and Art of Movement. Iowa PBS (2021).

(Not) Dancing On My Own. New Museum (2021). 

Invited Presenter "Normative Problems in Partnering" at Responsive Bodies Symposium (Berlin) (2021). 

Attunement: Or That Which Cannot Be Measured. by Harvard ArtLab and New Museum (NYC) -- (2020 - postponed). 

"Dance and Empathy", Branches of the Same Tree Symposium. American Academy of Arts and Sciences, October 25th, (2019).  

The Art and Science of Partnering. Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival, July 22-28, 2019.

“Care, Dialogue, and Wearable Tech”. (Re)Patterning Performance, Center for Performance Research, June 7-9, 2019 (New York City). 

"Wearables and Partnering". Conference for Research in Choreographic Interfaces (Brown University), February 22, 2019.

TEDx Providence, October 13, 2018. 

Selected Press
"What do we mean when we talk about meaning?" Northeastern Global News (2024). 

"Fun Things to Do in New York City in September (Dance)"
 New York Times (2022). 

"5 Scientific Steps That Will Make You a Better Dancer". Mental Floss (2019). 

"The Ethics of Dancing". Albany Union Times (2019)

"Sliding Across the MFA Floors". Music Intelligencer (2017). 
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